*Illamasqua Scarab*
(1 coat)
As you can see in the picture, Scarab is freaking gorgeous...in the bottle. Also, note it was only 1 coat with FANTASTIC formula. If you couldnt tell, I really wanted to love this polish, but I didn't. You know how people always say vampy shades "look black in most lights" well Scarab looks brown in most lights, which I didnt like that much. I'm a big advocate of any person any age can wear any color (my mom thinks she can't venture outside of the palest pinks), but this color seemed old for me. So thats what I think of it really, it's "too old" feeling, which I hate saying.
But a lot of people really loved this. It just didnt connect on the nail for me, though the picture is very flattering for it. MEH. I think I'm going to have to try this again after awhile because it has all the qualities for being flipping awesome!
It might be my mood, I'm beyond ready for break.
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