-Dovima,Savita, Edyta, Ginger, Midori, Zara, Cassi, Kiki, Jo, Happi, TopCoat, Drip Drops (By the way the drip drops work great!!)
-Fiercely Fiona, Who the Shrek Are You?, Color So Hot it Burns, Princesses Rule!
-Essie Summer Collection Mini's (demure vixen, pretty edgy, haute as hello, knockout pout) to be fair these were on clearence for like 5 bucks so I couldn't pass it up
-Nubar 2010....SO EXCITED!!!
These really killed my wallet haha, but they are so gorgeous!!! RBL Tudor Polishes (Anne, Catherine, Catherine H, Jane) Can't wait to try out Catherine H!
Thats it haha...and here is OPI Diva of Geneva which I'm wearing right now and I cant wait to see what 2010 will look like overtop it!
2 coats. Pre-Cleanup (ew, I know) Shady Sun. Definitely my favorite from the Swiss Collection!
So yeah I'm back, school was pretty much eating up my entire life the past couple weeks :(
Any ones you guys would like to see me post??('cause I have no idea where to start haha)
Ooh, they're all so pretty! I can't wait to see them all, especially the RBLs.
I know! The RBL are SO nice the only issue is they really are very expensive esp. after you add in shipping and everything. *sigh* but so worth it!
Thanks :)
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